Dr. Jones’ Research


Current Research

Does Therapeutic Music Training contribute to an improved sense-of-self following an acquired brain injury: a preliminary investigation. Conrad Institute of Music Therapy Research, Wilfred Laurier University. (current)


Recent Research

Oliver, S., Bell, C., Jones, C., Maniate, J. (2022). When healthcare leadership and philantrophy lead to an improved patient experience: the Paul Lepsoe Music Initiative. Patient Experience Journal (9), 1.

Jones, C. (2020). The use of therapeutic music training to remediate cognitive impairment following an acquired brain injury: the theoretical basis and a case study. Healthcare 8, 327; Doi 10. 3390/ healthcare 8030327.

Exploring Music-based Cognitive Rehabilitation Following Acquired Brain Injury: A Randomized Control Trial Comparing Attention Process Training and Musical Attention Control Training.  December, 2017. University of Toronto.


Bitan,T., Simac, T., Saverino, C., Jones, C., Glazer, J., Collela, B., Wiseman-Hakes, C., Green, R., & Rochon, E., (2018). Changes in resting state connectivity following melody- based therapy with client with aphasia. Neuroplasticity. Doi.: 10.1155/2018/6214095.

Parent’s Perspectives on What Factors Contribute to Successful School Re-integration Following ABI. 2014. University of Toronto.